As a bankruptcy attorney and lawyer in St. Cloud, Minnesota, I look forward to sharing my story. I hope that you will enjoy getting to know me better.

I set up my own office in 1980 in the old First National Bank Building at Fifth and Germain in downtown St. Cloud. I had graduated from law school about two years before and “hung out my shingle” as a solo practitioner. Jim Marrin was kind enough to let me rent an office from him and share the use of his secretary, Ginger Peterson.

When I first started, we typed wills on Selectric typewriters; Ginger would give me heck if I changed something on the first or second page of a seven-page will because that meant she had to re-type all seven pages. Fairly soon, I got my first computer, a Wangwriter, which never worked. After that, I got a CPT word processor, which used 8-inch floppy disks. The disks stored a few documents on each one. However, the printer was an impact printer, and it was so loud that we had to get a sound hood to muffle the noise.

I have come a long way since then, and today my practice is recognized as a leading bankruptcy law firm in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Sometimes, it is hard to believe that I have been in practice for over forty years. 

My strength as a bankruptcy attorney is that I meet with clients and potential clients personally and do not merely review the work done by assistants. 

Helping individuals or small businesses resolve a serious problem and providing them financial relief has been the most rewarding part of my practice. It is also gratifying to find out that clients are completely satisfied with the results and my services. 

Word of mouth from satisfied clients is the best sort of “advertising.” I am always pleased when a parent refers their child to me for help, or a child refers my practice to their parent. 

One of the proudest moments in my career was when I beat Wells Fargo Bank and its large law firm in a case in federal court involving the Minnesota homestead law.

When I’m not representing my clients or solving issues, I enjoy reading murder mysteries and attempting woodworking. I also grow daylilies and other flowers, mainly perennials.

I have enjoyed sharing my story about the things which matter to me and how they influence the way I do business.

If you or someone you know could benefit from my expertise as a bankruptcy attorney and lawyer in St. Cloud, Minnesota, I invite you to get in touch. Please visit my website at www.samcalvert.com


Sam Calvert